
Woodworm in Ipswich

Woodworm in Ipswich

Woodworm in Ipswich

Millennium Pest Control are currently taking surveys for Woodworm/wood boring beetle in the Ipswich and Suffolk areas. People often notice small holes that can be seen in older wood and you shouldn’t immediately assume you have a fresh infestation but it is advised you check to see if it has been treated just book an on-line survey for peace of mind and we will be able to assist in this matter. In the summer months can see beetles flying in very active areas and Death Watch beetles have an undeniable clicking sound that would suggest activity is in your home. Light piles of dust under beams and around wooden window frames and doors are another significant indication that there is activity. Buyers or Sellers of property sometimes only find out they have a woodworm infestation when a House Survey is carried out.

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Millennium carried out a treatment to an old garage/storage area on a property in Ipswich recently. A surveyor came out initially to inspect the area to which we provided a quotation for the works. The area was cleared for the technicians and they could then set up and begin. Our professional technicians will wear full PPE throughout treatments like these to help prevent cross contamination. The skilled operatives brush, sweep, and hoover away any cob webs and excess frass to ensure that the insecticide can soak directly into the beams. Once cleaned, the technicians will administer the treatment to the beams by brushing and sprays. The area was then clear for 12 hours before anyone re entered to allow drying time.

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If you suspect you may have a woodworm or wood boring beetle infestation within your property and you in the Ipswich/Suffolk area please do not hesitate contacting us now for your survey.